About Edible Schoolyard
The Edible Schoolyard at John Newbery Elementary in Wenatchee had its ground-breaking on Earth Day in 2023. Thanks to sponsorship by the Newbery PTA and Heifer International, EAT and other community partners were able to remove the old soil and bring in clean soil to raise the garden at least two feet in a functional two-tiered terrace. Scott Parsons designed the garden and has contributed much through his expertise in both gardening and nutrition education. Newbery students (of Mrs. Wise, Mrs. Brooks, and Mrs. Lind) as well as Summer Care program students (of Mrs. Wavra) have participated in planting, fertigating, insect monitoring, harvesting and taste-testing the crops grown. So far, radishes, romaine lettuce, basil, scallions, mint, rosemary, lemon cucumbers, yellow squash, tomatoes and peppers have grown. A butterfly garden adds color and attraction for winged visitors. A Fall planting is planned to include red kale and purple cauliflower to appeal to the students' curiosity. The Welcome to our School Garden sign was designed by a second grader at Newbery complete with Spanish translation. In an effort to engage the majority of classrooms, we have compiled a directory of online resources related to school gardens and ways to link them with existing science, art, math or other curriculum. These resource books are available to teachers and our community partners. We want to thank Home Depot, Smith's Excavating, Integrated Fertility Management, Wenatchee Sand & Gravel, and Bob's Apple Barrel for their in-kind donations and we appreciate everyone's help in making the garden flourish!
The Excavation
The Construction
The Planting
The Kids
The Garden
Edible Schoolyard
Resource Guide
The John Newberry Elementary School Garden Resource Guide was produced to create a guide that will provide ways in which a school garden can be used as an outdoor experience and to stimulate general interest in the garden.
NOTE : These files are large, and it may work best to download one at a time.