- Picture the Wenatchee - a photo contest in support of our watershed.
- Sunchokes and Squash Blossoms - A meandering, joyful look at local, seasonal foods and what to do with them.
- Healthy Gourmet - A blog written by Scott and Ruth Parsons, co-directors of The Healthy Gourmet Food and Lifestyle School.
- Eat Well Guide - Free online directory of thousands of family farms, restaurants, markets and other outlets of fresh, locally-grown food throughout the United States and Canada.
- LocalHarvest - America's #1 organic and local food website. We maintain a definitive and reliable "living" public nationwide directory of small farms, farmers markets, and other local food sources.
- 100 Mile Diet - Local Eating for Global Change.
- Our Farms - EAT is a community food system group that wants to promote local agriculture and local eaters.
School Garden Resource Guide
The John Newberry Elementary School Garden Resource Guide was produced to create a guide that will provide ways in which a school garden can be used as an outdoor experience and to stimulate general interest in the garden.
NOTE : These files are large, and it may work best to download one at a time.