I know that without the quality of care I received at Chelans hospital, I wouldnt be here. I was in the worst place a person can be, and they saved me. It really is amazing the level of expertise we have in our small community. Ann Rees
Our foundation is committed to providing programs that save lives and improve the quality of healthcare in the Lake Chelan Valley. To accomplish this, we:
- provide scholarships to current and future caregivers
- financehospital equipment and technology purchases to better serve patients
- fund wellness programs in our community
- partner with local organizations that further our goal of improving healthcare in the Lake Chelan Valley.
Our Foundation is dedicated to furthering the education of current and future healthcare professionals in our community. In 2023, we willgive $88,000 in scholarship awards to current and future caregivers in the Lake Chelan Valley.
In 2023, Edna Bragg endowed more than a million dollars to the Lake Chelan Community Hospital Foundation to be used for healthcare education. More than $900,000 has been distributed since 2023 from the Harold & Edna Bragg Healthcare Fund from the interest earned on this asset. Scholarships are provided each year for college students and professional healthcare providers residing or working in the hospital district.
Scholarships vary in amount, depending on criteria such as full or part-time status and the number of years a student has studied in a health care major field. In addition, health care professionals may apply for scholarships in continuing education available throughout the year. A scholarship committee made up of members of the Foundation Board of Directors considers applicants.
Advancing Healthcare Facilities
Annually, we invite donors to join our holiday giving campaign to ensure caregivers have the tools they need to improve and save lives.
Funds from our 2023 giving campaign will go towards purchasing a new ultrasound unit at Lake Chelan Clinic.
Our 2023 holiday mail appeal raised enough money to support the $30,000 purchase of three portable Glidescopes for EMS vehicles. With the help of a GlideScope, a tool with a small camera that assists in opening the airway, healthcare professionals can make quicker and more successful intubations.
Other holiday appeals have raised enough funds to support a new coagulation instrument for our hospital's lab, an operating table,and an EMSgurney to assist patients in and out of the ambulance.
- Our largest fundraising effort was the 2023-1997 Commitment to Caring campaign. It raised $800,000 to assist in financing a third floor to the existing hospital structure.